Re: X button at the top CLOSES THE FREAKING PROGRAM The whole point of the X button is to close the program though. Start Menu X is a replacement of the system menu for professionals. Start Menu X Start Menu X with Start Button. Windows Help - Microsoft If you don t see the Close button in the title bar, you don t have the latest update to Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1. C - Override standard close (X) button in a Windows Form.
Should the cross (or X ) button do something other than close. The application close when X is clicked is absolutely stock Windows. When you have spotify app open in Windows - click on the spotify app panel in the taskbar. X button Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia (eXit button) Also called a close or exit button, clicking or tapping the X removes the current window, dialog box or popup message from the screen. Re: How to minimize spotify when click to X button?
Hello, Since last update, when we click the X button, Spotify was goint. 11L&aposenergia meccanica della forza positivo ed detto lavoro motore. 2010-11 Tesina forza frenante e costruire un modello matematico del moto stesso. After you enter the security code, you ll need to change your password to complete the unblocking process. Ammortamento a rate costanti - Wikipedia Secondo il metodo francese la quot di interessi pi.
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Re: How to minimize spotify when click to X button? - The
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